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Woodall Orthodontics’ First Annual Summer Patient Appreciation Party!

We are happy to announce our Patient Appreciation Party!!  Hope everyone can make it!  Please RSVP via Email, Phone or Facebook!


Woodall Orthodontics Fun Video!!

Our First Video for Youtube!!  Hope everyone enjoys it!  It shows some of the fun things we have had going on for the last few months!!

Prom Week at Woodall Orthodontics

We had a blast all week at WO!!  To celebrate along side our patients that are going to prom, we have Prom Week!!  It was a blast!!  We dressed in formal wear all week!!  Even had some prom-ish music going… 🙂  Here is a classic prom pose photo from this week!!Bremen GA Orthodontist Braces

Landon Shows off His New Ride

We couldn’t be more excited for Landon, who came to his appointment this week in his new truck!  16 is just around the corner and you’ll be looking good with your awesome smile and silver truck, Landon!  Thanks for sharing your fun news with us!  We love to celebrate with our patients!



Can you Pick Our Noses??

Happy New Year from Woodall Orthodontics!!


Check out our new contest. Match the nose with the right member of Dr. Woodall’s team and you could win a Sonicare toothbrush and $25 Visa Gift card. Good Luck!




Make sure to find us on Facebook!!